Javascript method


the string concat method separate value make a combined single line new string or we can say it’s added something example is below:

Array concat

the array concat method separate value make a combined single line new Array or we can say it’s added something example is below:

Explain about Javascript String.charAt()

String.charAt() method return a new string including of the single the encoding is variable-length code unit located at the offset into the string, an example is below:

Let me explain we know programming language start count from zero variable myString the first letter is I equal 0(zero), and in the string empty space also count as a number so that the variable index value is 7 equal m; I=0, empty space =1, L=2, o=3, v=4, e=5, empty space =6, m=7


the includes method returning true or false, It’s the check certain value its entries, string type an example is below:

Includes Array type an example is below:


the parseFloat function and argument converting to a string according to the requirement, have an example is below:

if you noticed result2 is into a string value it’s has been converted as a float number result2 value no more in string


the round function returns the closest integer if some 5.5 or grater then you get 6 if 5.4 you will get output 5 have an example below :


the pop removes the last element from an array example is below



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